Mr. Piano Man

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Music is my favorite thing in the whole wide world!!! Besides the Lord and my family of course. I have been wanting a piano for sometime now. And a couple of weeks ago we were blessed with one. I can not tell you how happy it makes me when the boys gently climb up on the bench and begin to bang on the keys as loud as they possibly can. I hope they grow to have an appreciation of music as I do. It is something that has totally enriched my life.

I need my camera!!!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Well, we let my mother-n-law use our camera to take to Europe. I never thought I would miss it so. For some reason my kids have done the cutest things the past couple of weeks. I love to take pictures, capturing priceless moments that will only be remembered by a photograph. Sometimes I think how I don't want anymore time to pass. Wanting to keep things as they are, sweet and simple. I know that I can't, and sometimes it makes me sad. The proverbs 31 woman says "she looks to the future and smiles, for her family is clothed in scarlet." I want to look to the future and smile, and for the most part I think I do. But sometimes I also look at it with fear. I have asked the Lord to teach me what it means to be excited about the future, even though so much of it can be scary. He is good, and full of mercy, and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that my family's future is safe.

Friday, November 21, 2008

This week the movie Curious George was on. I watched it with my 2 and a half year old Caleb. I must say I loved the movie, so did he. It really made me feel close to Caleb. We both laughed at the same parts and both said "poor George" at the same time. It made me realize that even though I am 30 years older than him, and his mother, we have a lot in common. Sometimes I get so caught up during the day that I forget to connect with my boys. Not because I don't enjoy them, I just have stuff to get done to run the household. However, this event has changed my mind. Today we made salt dough Christmas ornaments. By the time we were finished the kitchen was covered in flour. I loved it, and so did the boys. I placed myself in the same frame of mind as the kids. How does the dough feel, what cookie cutter will I use, I think I will pour flour on the floor. I LOVED it!!! How nice it was to be able to be a child again with no worries. It did make me sad when we started, and Caleb kept looking at me when he started to make a mess. I kept telling him "it's OK honey, just play. Don't worry about the mess." I realized that I had put that concern in him. I am not OK with that any more. I know it will take some time getting over some of my OCD tendencies. But I will defiantly make and effort.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

I LOVE shortbread! Apparently my boys do too. Here is a recipe I found using honey and whole wheat flour.

1 Cup Organic Butter
2 ½ Cups Organic whole wheat
1/3 Cup Raw Honey
1 tsp. Organic Vanilla

Beat butter, honey and vanilla in large bowl with electric mixer until mixture is light and fluffy.
Add flour, 1 cup at a time, beating well after each addition. If dough becomes too stiff to stir, knead in remaining flour by hand.
Pat dough into shortbread mold or ungreased 9-inch cast iron skillet.
Score surface with knife so it can be divided into 24 wedges, prick deeply with fork into score marks.
Bake in preheated 300F oven 35 to 40 minutes.
Cool in pan on wire rack 10 minutes.
Remove from pan.
Cut into wedges while warm

Enjoy it!!! We sure did!!!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Well my baby is one! I can't believe it. With each child the time seems to go faster and faster. I remember my mother saying "one day I woke up and you were in college." Now I know what she means. I am really trying hard not to let the time get away from me. Only every night when I put the boys down for bed I think about all of the stuff I have to do tomorrow. Why does it matter? I really need to learn how to not worry about the housework so much. Any tips anyone? I just want to remember each and every moment, and not fret about the laundry.

Barely Breathing

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Last night while watching the election I went through several stages of emotions. Excited that we have the first African American President, sad that McCain didn't win. Worried about our future. And finally I ended up in a horrible state of fear! Fear of what I fully don't understand. I was crying so hard that I could barely breath. My husband held me and said, "God is in control. He placed in authority who He wanted there." I thought about that long and hard. I grew up hearing the phrase "God is in control" all of my life. But, I didn't fully understand it until now. All throughout history there have been good and bad kings that God Almighty placed in authority. And I am not saying that Obama is a "bad or good king". I'm just saying that God is in control over everything. So why does he place people who do not have good biblical principals in power? For mercy!!! It is only in a state of judgement that mercy is revealed. I believe we are in judgement as a nation. But we will begin to see the mercy of the Lord.

My wonderful family

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Pictures taken by

My family is the most important thing to me. I never dreamt that I would feel such amazing joy and fulfillment being a wife and mother. I love my children and husband more and more each day. They are everything to me. Which is why I enjoy sharing pictures of them. Whenever I take new pictures of the boys I always send email videos to friends and family. As I see it, I'm just keeping everyone up to date with daily activities that we do. I recently read a post by a friend of mine. He was saying that he couldn't believe that people post pictures of there children on facebook and myspace, because they can not sign photo release consents. I thought it was hilarious at first. But then began to ponder on it for quite a while last night. I don't know if he was being serious or not. He doesn't have any children right now, so I don't think he understands the pride one feels for there children. I also thought about the theory of if you home school or choose not to vaccinate your children, it could be thought of as child abuse. How absurd!!! My husband and I are choosing not to vaccinate our boys at this time. We are by no means, anti vaccine!!! It is just how we have decided to do things for right now. We are also going to home school the boys. Something we have decided is right to do for our kids. Do these decision make me a bad parent? I think not!!! Just the opposite. Yet people, who may not even have children, make judgments on your decisions. My family is not property of the state!!!

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Blog or not to Blog?

I have wanted to start a Blog for sometime now. Yesterday, I sat down to blog some thoughts. Only I stared at the computer screen for 30 minutes and couldn't think of where to start. It seems, that for what ever reason, I have trouble starting and finishing something. I don't know why, I have always been that way. I really feel like I have so much to share. I just never know where to start. So with that said I will begin with topics that are on my mind right now. To Blog or not to Blog, that is the question.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

I love this quote, and hope that God sees me in the same way. "When God made the world, He looked at the bare and barren hillsides and thought how nice it would be to cover them with some kind of tree or flower. He turned to the giant oak, the biggest and strongest of all the trees He had made, and asked if the oak would be willing to grow on the bare hills and make them more attractive. But the oak explained that he needed deep soil in order to grow and that the hillsides would be too rocky for him to take root. So God asked the honeysuckle if she would care to grow on the hillsides and spread her beauty and fragrance on the barren slopes. But the honeysuckle explained that she needed a wall or a fence or even another plant to grow against, and, for that reason, it would be quite impossible for her to grow in the hills. So God turned to one of the sweetest and most beautiful of all the flowers, the rose. God asked the rose if she would care to grace the rugged mountains with her splendor, but the rose explained that the wind and the rain and the cold would destroy her. Disappointed with the oak, the honeysuckle and the rose, God turned away. At length, He came across a small, green shrub with a flower of tiny petals, some purple, some white. It was the heather. God asked the heather the same question that He had asked the others. 'Will you go and grow upon the hillsides to make them beautiful?' The heather thought about the poor soil, the wind, and the rain,and wasn't very sure that she could do a good job. But, turning to God, she replied that she would certainly give it a try. God was very pleased. He was so pleased that He decided to give the heather some gifts as a reward for her willingness to do as He had asked. Firstly, He gave her the strength of the oak tree; the bark of the heather is the strongest of any tree or shrub in the world. Next, He gave her the fragrance of the honeysuckle, a fragrance which is frequently used to gently perfume soaps and potpourris. Finally, He gave her the sweetness of the rose, so much so that the heather is one of the bee's favorite flowers. And, to this day, heather is renowned for these three God-given gifts."