He gives and takes away, but blessed be His name!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Well this post, I must say, is the hardest to write. A week ago I had a miscarriage. It has been the most difficult thing I have ever experienced. There were days that I thought I just wanted to roll over and never wake up. Feelings of shame had set in, like I was wearing the scarlet letter on my chest. But thankfully, the Lord God Almighty is showing me how Awesome he is. I went through thoughts of, "did I cause this by my actions, my thoughts, or whatever?" I know that I did not! God is sovereign over everything including the womb. He is the Author and finisher of everything! I don't know why I had a miscarriage, and won't know until I get to heaven. But I do know that nothing happens without the consent of God himself. I am trying to be thankful that my body has done what God created it to do, although it is somewhat difficult. I know that God is bigger than anything and has EVERYTHING under his complete control.