Well its' a ???

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Thursday we went to the Dr. for an ultra sound. We found out we are having, here it goes, are you ready??? A BOY!!!!! Can you believe it, another boy! I have to say that I was a little disappointed for like 5 minutes. Then I just started laughing. He is perfect and healthy. That is all that matters, right. And to think that God has blessed me to be the "Queen" of my house. I am so excited! So are the boys. Caleb informed me that we are to name the baby Buzz. And Oliver prefers the name Woody. We are not sure about a name yet. Still thinking and praying on it. Thank you all for your prayers and support through this difficult time. I has turned out to be on of the most Wonderful blessings.

It's been awhile

Monday, November 9, 2009

Well I can't believe how long it has been since I last did a post. I told myself I was going to be consistent, to get my thoughts out. But alas, life as a mom. And speaking of mom. That is the reason for this post. I am pregnant!!!!! I am due April the 12Th. So many emotions have come and gone during this time, mostly fear. Fear of losing another baby. When I first found out I was pregnant, at the end of July, I was at a point of desperation. I needed a word form the Lord just to get some peace. I remember crying out to God, letting him know how scared I was. I never just pick up the bible and open it to get a scripture. I always use the concordance and look up scripture, that way I won't take it out of context. However I just grabbed my bible, almost in a state of panic, and told the Lord I needed truth. My eyes looked straight at John 4:50. The text says "Go, your son will live". I couldn't believe it. So I began to read the whole chapter. Sure enough Jesus Is talking to the Official, who asks for healing from for his son. Jesus replies to his request, "Unless you see signs and wonders you will not believe." I can not tell you the feeling I got in the pit of my stomach. I was needing some sort of sign from the Lord instead of trusting Him. I began to pray and repent for my lack of trust. I began to feel such peace while I prayed. I still hold on the the scripture daily. I thank the Lord that I will Go, and my child will live. But what is even more amazing, is that I know God is still good. He is still sovereign. Whatever happens with the rest of this pregnancy, He is still God.

God is most Glorified in me, when I am most satisfied in Him.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Last night my husband and I were up till 2am talking. We were discussing issues I have with being so frustrated with people, in my life, who have a lot. A lot, meaning finical freedom, money to do, and have, what ever they want. This is where my frustration, or jealousy comes in. I feel, I am mostly on the path to righteousness. Constantly striving to better myself. As a family we work hard to make God the number one priority. Yet in the finical area, we are slowly crawling out of the hole we dug ourselves in. So here is the question. Why do people, who do not have God as the number one priority, seem to have and get whatever they want? Not just because they are good stewards of their money. They just seem to always have it (money). And how in the world can my husband be genuinely excited for them. On a side note, if you don't know him, he is one of the most amazing men on the face of the planet. And it isn't because he is my husband either. He truly is astonishing. OK, back to the topic. Last night talking with Christian I finally got it. God is most Glorified in me, when I am most satisfied in Him! He kept saying it over and over. It was the answer to every question I had for him. I finally said "I hear what you are saying" Christian's reply was "No you don't" Then he said "Heather, we may not have everything we want. But God is most Glorified in us, when we are most satisfied in Him." I think this is when it clicked. He went on to say "What is so sad, is God is not Glorified in there lives. Because they are not satisfied in Him." DING DING DING I got it! And I will never question this subject again. This will forever be my motto for life!

Lord you are enough!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I hear my husband snoring away in the other room. My boys are quietly sleeping in there beds. I, on the other hand, am at the computer. It is 12:00 am and once again I can not sleep. My thoughts are constantly on the babies I have lost and the babies I long to have. During the day I am completely focused on my boys and have a wonderful time doing it. It is only when it is quiet, and there is no one to take care of that my mind and heart wonder and ache. How I wish It was time to feed and rock a baby. I would count it all joy to be woken by someone who can not sleep. So, who will be the one to comfort me when I need to be comforted? To rock me and tickle my back. Jesus! He is all I need! It is so difficult to walk in the aspect of, He is all I need. But it is so true! I have so many people in my life, going through such difficulty. Whether it be with some sort of loss, pain or suffering. All I say to you is, Lord you are enough for me. It does not matter what I have or don't have. I may not believe it, or feel it all the time. But I will say it with all my heart. He is enough. Please watch this video. John Piper puts it into words that are totally amazing!

Earth 2100 WHAT???

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

I just spent 2 hours watching a ridicules "documentary" on ABC called Earth 2100. It was talking about what will happen if we do not get global warming under control. I just laughed sarcastically throughout the whole thing. I mean this was total propaganda!!! Basically it had a whole narrative about a woman going throughout the years till 2100. All because the ice caps melted and global warming had caused cataclysmic havoc on the earth. First of all, I will totally do my part by being a good steward of the earth by saving energy, recycle, etc... But on the other hand God said he would NEVER flood the earth again!!! He didn't say that he would never flood the earth again by rain. He just said that He would NEVER do it again. So, the science in this show is completely mistaken. It was total indoctrination!!! There was no other opinion given. If I were not a christian and did not believe the word. After watching that I would have gathered my family and found the nearest hole to live in. I can tell you that this hit me on more of a personal level. After having two miscarriages I have had more light on the Character of God than ever before. I can totally look at the science and say OK. But where I feel that I have more light is that God created the science. So the ice caps are melting. Is it because we drive cars, use aerosol hair spray, and don't unplug our cell phone chargers? I don't think so!!! God created a system and the earth is following His system, and His command. This is where the miscarriages have brought light. God created my body to follow his system. So, there was something wrong, and my body did what God created it to do. Now, if there is something else going on with my body that is in my control I believe that the Lord will give me and my Dr. light as to what that is. As so with the earth. This whole idea that we are going to reach a point where we need to become a global society is nonsense. I will do everything to help a brother out. But to say that we will become the so called "former United States", COME ON!!! You might be saying that I had the choice to change the channel and watch something else. If you know my husband than you know that I basically "had" to watch it. I know I am ranting, but I am so tankful that I am where I am at with the Lord. I do not have to fear the future because my family is clothed in Scarlett.

How big is He?

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

You know those silly jokes that always start with stuff like "your nose is so big. How big is it? It is so big that, blah blah blah." Well lately I have been asking myself, "my God is so big. How big is he?" I can't even begin to express what I think the answer is. OK, maybe I will try. We know he created the universe, and that he commands the movement of the air and sea. He is the Author and Finisher, Creator of all. So what are we to do as human beings? I will tell you what I think. We are to do everything, he commands and deserves essentially everything from us. That means every second of everyday we are to live for him. A lot of Christians would say "well ya, but we do have free will." Do we really? What does that mean exactly? I have been thinking a lot about the whole 'free will' thing. I know that the Lord says that in the scripture, but are we really being taught the truth as to what that means? I don't think the modern church has a clue! God is the biggest thing there is, and anything less, is not of him. I think I might step on some toes here, but I have to say it. Everything that happens is in God's control. Do you 'read me' everything! My whole life I have heard Christians say things like "I am under attack by Satan because I have cancer" or "our lack of faith caused someone not to be healed and die". I do know that Satan is out to steal, kill, and destroy. But, he is not bigger than God. Everything that happens is because God allows it to happen or he made it to happen. It is how we handle it that we see how "big" God really is. That is where our "free will" comes in to play. I just recently read Job, I could not believe it when I read it. But I had so much peace by the time I was done. God allowed Satan to attack Job. Really, I mean that goes against everything the modern church says. It isn't like Satan just went and took everything the man had, God allowed it. And Job still gave glory to God. I have personally been going through a rough time. I have had two miscarriages since January. The whole thought of God allowing my miscarriage's to happen was really hard. But the more I begin to understand it, it is amazing. I know you might be thinking that I am a freak, and that's OK. I am only expressing the biggest revelation that I have had in a long time. God is the one in control, what ever happens to me, as hard and as painful as it may be. I am to still give Him all the glory because I love Him. I have had major fear issues my whole life. And after this revelation, not much any more. Free will is not as free as we think it is. Once we understand what it really means, it is more Him giving us light to understand. "My God is so big. How big is he? He is so big that he has EVERYTHING under his control."


Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Well, I have just recently heard of the "movement" of the Emerging Church. If you have not heard of it you soon will. It is a "movement" among Evangelical churches, debating a Post-Modern doctrine. In my opinion it is very dangerous. You can read more about this on Sam Storms website Here are a few of my thoughts. Unfortunately some of my "non-believer" friends have heard of this before I did. This is why they think Christianity is a joke. The Church continually changes what they think of the Gospel, what it means, and how it applies to us. One significant thing about the Emerging, is that they want a kinder, gentler version of evangelicalism. This means that they do not want an absolutist mindset, that they are convinced is out of touch with so-called postmodern developments in our culture. I mean since when was the Culture supposed to influence the Church? It is to be the other way around. The CHURCH influences the culture!!! We are headed for disaster if Christianity begins to sway back and forth with the changes of our times. The WORD is ABSOLUTE truth!!! We can not just pick and choose what we need from it for this time, and disregard the rest. We have to start praying for the leaders of the Church to start realizing that if people get offended or convicted in your church. And they decide to leave, then you probably did the Gospel justice. It is the Holy spirits job to convect. But if the pastors do not teach the Whole truth then there is nothing to be convicted about. We are at a very serious crossroads. The Universalism that is creeping into the Church will cause eternal judgment. I only write this because I believe a lot of people I know are letting their faith be swayed. The more I study on the subject, and the more I read the scripture. The more LIGHT I see. This is a quote from D.A. Carson "Is there at least some danger that what is being advocated is not so much a new kind of Christian in a new emerging church, but a church that is so submerging itself in the culture that it risks hopeless compromise?”

Why did I watch the news???

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I normally don't watch the news, because my mind goes crazy. But tonight I did. All of the stuff about bailouts is making me sick. Don't people understand that this is on purpose??? The Government wants to move us into a place where we are totally relying on them, not God. It is really time for us to put our selfish things aside. And get our house in order!!! I am not saying this as a Republican or Democrat. I say this as a Christan. We must start getting things in order, if we are to live a long life here on earth. It bothers me that my Husband's Grandfather said that he was happy that he was going to be OK. But sad that we were not. I want my family and the following generations to be OK. When will the people of God start to realize that our Liberties are being taken away??? It will not be long before we become martyrs, because Faith is not of value. We have to start now!!! No more playing house, no more being consumed with worldly things. It is time for us to rise up and stand for what is righteous. The time is now, if we are going to make it out on the other side. As I read what I have written, I feel like a loon. But I am passionate about it for the sake of my children. I know that this is not all Obama's fault. This is 50 years of bad policies. But man, when did bailing someone out of the debt they owed become OK. We are struggling to pay our debt back. That is what you are supposed to do. Besides not having debt in the first place. Every month is a challenge for us, but we make it. Sorry for the ranting, for anyone who reads this. But, God have mercy on this nation!!! Stir up our hearts to stand for righteousness. You are all that matters Lord and I will NOT live in fear. Fear is the place where the enemy paralyzes us. You are good and your mercy endures forever!!!

On my face before God

Monday, March 16, 2009

For me, it always seems, that a huge tragedy has to happen before I let God be in control. I don't know why or what happened to me, that I feel like I can handle every situation on my own. It isn't long before it blows up in my face, and I end up on my face before God almighty. But why are other "so-called" Christians, exempt from this? What makes some people more repentive than others? Is it because they are truly not Christians at all? I think yes!!! I believe that if you are called by God, and a Christian, then the holy spirit would convict your heart of anything. And if you do feel convicted, and you do not repent, then you are in a really bad place and do not Fear God at all. I will be the first to say that I have feared the Lord all my life. But not always in a healthy way. I understand now at my age and what I have gone through that He is all that matters!!! The way I react to his call on my life is absolutely vital. I have been hurt so many times in my life that I have wanted to run from God as fast as I could. But every time, he has convicted me in my heart that running is not an option. So again I ask, What makes some Christians more repentive than others? I would answer, that they do not know God at all.

To love your family!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

When it is all said and done. All you have is your family, and God of course. It amazes me how family can hurt one another so bad. Some people choose to forgive, and others hold on to it for ever. Only repeating behavior, passed on, from generation to generation. When does it ever end? Right now I don't see how!!! How do you deal with family members who don't have the Lord as their priority? How do you forgive, when the hurt is so bad that you don't want to have anything to do with them? Only then there is the situation of family gatherings, Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc... My head says "screw it", But my heart says something completely different. We are to love our family!!! No matter what they do to us, no matter how bad we hurt. We have to, they are all that we have while we are here on this earth. I am tyring to be gracious, and be full of God's love. But the difficulty of family is like nothing else. I pray that the Lord will give me strength until he heals the brokenness.

Glory Baby

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I have listened to this song, by Watermark, a hundred times before. But I just remembered about it tonight. When I played it, I felt so many emotions. But finally, some peace. So here are the lyrics, for you to read.

Glory baby you slipped away as fast as we could say baby…baby.. You were growing, what happened dear? You disappeared on us baby…baby.. Heaven will hold you before we do Heaven will keep you safe until we’re home with you… Until we’re home with you…
Miss you everyday Miss you in every way But we know there’s a day when we will hold you We will hold you You’ll kiss our tears away When we’re home to stay Can’t wait for the day when we will see you We will see you But baby let sweet Jesus hold you‘till mom and dad can hold you… You’ll just have heaven before we do You’ll just have heaven before we do
Sweet little babies, it’s hard to understand it ‘cause we’re hurting We are hurting But there is healing And we know we’re stronger people through the growing And in knowing- That all things work together for our good And God works His purposes just like He said He would… Just like He said He would…
BRIDGE: I can’t imagine heaven’s lullabies and what they must sound like But I will rest in knowing, heaven is your home And it’s all you’ll ever know…all you’ll ever know...

I miss you!!

Monday, March 2, 2009

So, most of my day's are better since your loss. But, sometimes, they are really hard. In quiet moments, I think all about you baby. I picture who you would have looked like, me or your papa. I think about the nursery, and how I would be preparing it, because by now I would know if you were a boy or girl. I wonder how your brothers would be with you. Especially because Caleb still asks about the baby in my tummy. I didn't get enough time with you and I miss you terribly!!! I can't wait to go to heaven so I can hold you in my arms. But that seems like such a long time away. The Lord will have to comfort me until then. I know he will take wonderful care of you, until I am with you. I love you so much!!!

He gives and takes away, but blessed be His name!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Well this post, I must say, is the hardest to write. A week ago I had a miscarriage. It has been the most difficult thing I have ever experienced. There were days that I thought I just wanted to roll over and never wake up. Feelings of shame had set in, like I was wearing the scarlet letter on my chest. But thankfully, the Lord God Almighty is showing me how Awesome he is. I went through thoughts of, "did I cause this by my actions, my thoughts, or whatever?" I know that I did not! God is sovereign over everything including the womb. He is the Author and finisher of everything! I don't know why I had a miscarriage, and won't know until I get to heaven. But I do know that nothing happens without the consent of God himself. I am trying to be thankful that my body has done what God created it to do, although it is somewhat difficult. I know that God is bigger than anything and has EVERYTHING under his complete control.