
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Well, I have just recently heard of the "movement" of the Emerging Church. If you have not heard of it you soon will. It is a "movement" among Evangelical churches, debating a Post-Modern doctrine. In my opinion it is very dangerous. You can read more about this on Sam Storms website Here are a few of my thoughts. Unfortunately some of my "non-believer" friends have heard of this before I did. This is why they think Christianity is a joke. The Church continually changes what they think of the Gospel, what it means, and how it applies to us. One significant thing about the Emerging, is that they want a kinder, gentler version of evangelicalism. This means that they do not want an absolutist mindset, that they are convinced is out of touch with so-called postmodern developments in our culture. I mean since when was the Culture supposed to influence the Church? It is to be the other way around. The CHURCH influences the culture!!! We are headed for disaster if Christianity begins to sway back and forth with the changes of our times. The WORD is ABSOLUTE truth!!! We can not just pick and choose what we need from it for this time, and disregard the rest. We have to start praying for the leaders of the Church to start realizing that if people get offended or convicted in your church. And they decide to leave, then you probably did the Gospel justice. It is the Holy spirits job to convect. But if the pastors do not teach the Whole truth then there is nothing to be convicted about. We are at a very serious crossroads. The Universalism that is creeping into the Church will cause eternal judgment. I only write this because I believe a lot of people I know are letting their faith be swayed. The more I study on the subject, and the more I read the scripture. The more LIGHT I see. This is a quote from D.A. Carson "Is there at least some danger that what is being advocated is not so much a new kind of Christian in a new emerging church, but a church that is so submerging itself in the culture that it risks hopeless compromise?”