Monday, March 16, 2009
For me, it always seems, that a huge tragedy has to happen before I let God be in control. I don't know why or what happened to me, that I feel like I can handle every situation on my own. It isn't long before it blows up in my face, and I end up on my face before God almighty. But why are other "so-called" Christians, exempt from this? What makes some people more repentive than others? Is it because they are truly not Christians at all? I think yes!!! I believe that if you are called by God, and a Christian, then the holy spirit would convict your heart of anything. And if you do feel convicted, and you do not repent, then you are in a really bad place and do not Fear God at all. I will be the first to say that I have feared the Lord all my life. But not always in a healthy way. I understand now at my age and what I have gone through that He is all that matters!!! The way I react to his call on my life is absolutely vital. I have been hurt so many times in my life that I have wanted to run from God as fast as I could. But every time, he has convicted me in my heart that running is not an option. So again I ask, What makes some Christians more repentive than others? I would answer, that they do not know God at all.
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