How big is He?

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

You know those silly jokes that always start with stuff like "your nose is so big. How big is it? It is so big that, blah blah blah." Well lately I have been asking myself, "my God is so big. How big is he?" I can't even begin to express what I think the answer is. OK, maybe I will try. We know he created the universe, and that he commands the movement of the air and sea. He is the Author and Finisher, Creator of all. So what are we to do as human beings? I will tell you what I think. We are to do everything, he commands and deserves essentially everything from us. That means every second of everyday we are to live for him. A lot of Christians would say "well ya, but we do have free will." Do we really? What does that mean exactly? I have been thinking a lot about the whole 'free will' thing. I know that the Lord says that in the scripture, but are we really being taught the truth as to what that means? I don't think the modern church has a clue! God is the biggest thing there is, and anything less, is not of him. I think I might step on some toes here, but I have to say it. Everything that happens is in God's control. Do you 'read me' everything! My whole life I have heard Christians say things like "I am under attack by Satan because I have cancer" or "our lack of faith caused someone not to be healed and die". I do know that Satan is out to steal, kill, and destroy. But, he is not bigger than God. Everything that happens is because God allows it to happen or he made it to happen. It is how we handle it that we see how "big" God really is. That is where our "free will" comes in to play. I just recently read Job, I could not believe it when I read it. But I had so much peace by the time I was done. God allowed Satan to attack Job. Really, I mean that goes against everything the modern church says. It isn't like Satan just went and took everything the man had, God allowed it. And Job still gave glory to God. I have personally been going through a rough time. I have had two miscarriages since January. The whole thought of God allowing my miscarriage's to happen was really hard. But the more I begin to understand it, it is amazing. I know you might be thinking that I am a freak, and that's OK. I am only expressing the biggest revelation that I have had in a long time. God is the one in control, what ever happens to me, as hard and as painful as it may be. I am to still give Him all the glory because I love Him. I have had major fear issues my whole life. And after this revelation, not much any more. Free will is not as free as we think it is. Once we understand what it really means, it is more Him giving us light to understand. "My God is so big. How big is he? He is so big that he has EVERYTHING under his control."


Marla said...

GIRL....this is so good & so true. True revelation of the Lord WILL step on toes. I LOVE that He uses circumstances in our lives (trials & tribs)to reveal how truly BIG He is. God's love is so BIG that He "lets" us go through things that may be hurtful to develop our character & become what He always intended us to be & to fulfill HIS purposes in our lives. THAT is abundant life!

