Why did I watch the news???

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I normally don't watch the news, because my mind goes crazy. But tonight I did. All of the stuff about bailouts is making me sick. Don't people understand that this is on purpose??? The Government wants to move us into a place where we are totally relying on them, not God. It is really time for us to put our selfish things aside. And get our house in order!!! I am not saying this as a Republican or Democrat. I say this as a Christan. We must start getting things in order, if we are to live a long life here on earth. It bothers me that my Husband's Grandfather said that he was happy that he was going to be OK. But sad that we were not. I want my family and the following generations to be OK. When will the people of God start to realize that our Liberties are being taken away??? It will not be long before we become martyrs, because Faith is not of value. We have to start now!!! No more playing house, no more being consumed with worldly things. It is time for us to rise up and stand for what is righteous. The time is now, if we are going to make it out on the other side. As I read what I have written, I feel like a loon. But I am passionate about it for the sake of my children. I know that this is not all Obama's fault. This is 50 years of bad policies. But man, when did bailing someone out of the debt they owed become OK. We are struggling to pay our debt back. That is what you are supposed to do. Besides not having debt in the first place. Every month is a challenge for us, but we make it. Sorry for the ranting, for anyone who reads this. But, God have mercy on this nation!!! Stir up our hearts to stand for righteousness. You are all that matters Lord and I will NOT live in fear. Fear is the place where the enemy paralyzes us. You are good and your mercy endures forever!!!


D'Plazzo Designs said...

Hey Heather...
I wanted to let you know that I agree...and that you have a gift
in writing.
I know the Lord is going to use your voice and writing skills to to be a voice for him. It's great to see how much you have grown in him through the years. Your talent in music is amazing and now your talent in writing "what a gift".
I pray that the Lord will continue to let his spirit direct you in writing with a message.
I'm so glad that the Lord has open this new avenue for you to be a light in the world. You are a blessing. I know the Lord has great plans for you and will continue to use your life for his glory...your friend,
Debra Sanders

Lisa said...

Love the blog Heather, you're a great writer!